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Geometry Dash Poltergeist
Geometry Dash Poltergeist

Geometry Dash Poltergeist

GEOMETRY DASH POLTERGEIST: A Wild Ride Through the Unpredictable

Geometry Dash Poltergeist, a level that has left many players both exhilarated and exasperated, is a 1.9/2.1 solo Insane Demon meticulously crafted by Andromeda. In the heart of this level lies a challenging recreation of the notorious Nine Circles, known for its complex geometry and demanding gameplay. However, as you venture deeper into Poltergeist, you'll find it has a personality all its own.

The Insanity Unleashed

With a devilish difficulty rating and a whopping 10 stars, Geometry Dash Poltergeist is no ordinary level. Andromeda, the mastermind behind this creation, designed it to be a tough journey through a realm of erratic timings, tight spaces, and movements that can only be described as uncomfortably awkward. This level is a tribute to the art of precision and split-second decision-making.

A Tale of Two Halves

The journey begins with a seemingly innocent cube segment that quickly introduces you to leaps and tricks that will test your reflexes. This is followed by a deceptively simple ball sequence adorned with a few menacing saw blades. Another cube sequence emerges, luring you with multiple jump orbs. But beware, for the level is setting the stage for what's to come.

As you approach the drop, the game throws you a curveball with recurring blue pads and invisible size portals. These are the first signs of the madness that lies ahead. Then, two ominous spikes signal the impending beat drop. As the music's intensity grows, the level takes an unforgettable turn, introducing you to one of the most renowned wave parts in the game. Here, tricky timings, confined spaces, and deceptive obstacles reign supreme, especially when played at triple speed.

The first portion of the wave phase demands precise click-control and timing in tight quarters. It also tests your straight-flying skills as the ship phase kicks in at 50%. Following this, you'll encounter a half-speed cube segment, humorously bearing the words "TAKE A BREAK." This section is home to five sets of double spikes that appear and vanish unpredictably.

Another wave segment follows, albeit with slightly more forgiving mechanics than the first. While this part features broader spaces in its initial half, it surprises you with a troll-like mini-wave segment as you navigate through a series of tight spots.

As the journey concludes, a straightforward cube section appears at regular speed, spelling out "GG," and offering two last yellow orbs. At the very end, you'll spot the letters "ANDRO" alongside a quad-speed quadruple spike leap.

Trivia and Noteworthy Moments

  • Due to the challenging timings and initial obstacles, players humorously referred to the update for this level as "Cancergiest."
  • Many players felt the frustration of being close to completing the level only to be thwarted by its increasing difficulty.
  • Poltergeist stands out for its dramatic difficulty shift between its beginning and the wave section. Despite the ridiculously challenging wave, it boasts one of the simplest initial segments or "buffer zones" in any Nine Circles level.
  • The "take a break" section, a cube/ship segment nestled within the extreme wave, became a hallmark and was later incorporated into other unrated Nine Circles levels.
  • Andromeda and Pennutoh partnered to create a more challenging version called "Poltergeist Reborn."
  • Beyond Andromeda's creation, VoTcHi impressively defeated the enhanced update.
  • In folklore, a poltergeist is a mischievous spirit known for causing physical disturbances like loud sounds and moving or breaking objects. They are believed to be capable of pinching, biting, hitting, and tripping people. Poltergeist stories often feature the movement or levitation of furniture and silverware, as well as mysterious pounding on doors.

Geometry Dash Poltergeist is more than just a level; it's a test of skill, patience, and determination. Are you ready to take on the madness and conquer the unpredictable? Dive into the world of Poltergeist and embrace the chaos!

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