Smash Karts is a fun and chaotic twist on the classic kart-racing genre, where players battle it out in wacky arenas using karts equipped with a wild array of weapons. With bright graphics and fast-paced gameplay, this game combines racing with explosive combat, allowing players to smash, shoot, and outmaneuver their opponents in a 3D arena setting.
To play Smash Karts, you’ll need to master a few basic controls. The game is designed to be straightforward, whether you're playing on a keyboard or an Xbox-style controller.
In Smash Karts, your goal will depend on the game mode. The classic mode is "Free For All," where you race to collect weapons from Loot Boxes scattered across the arena and use them to eliminate other karts. Your health, time, and position are tracked at the top of the screen, while the lower right corner displays your current weapon.